Wild Blog

Friday, November 10, 2006

Exam blog Question 1 Student# 20064433

ED 4236/1120
List and evaluate in order of importance, the qualities you would like to have as a teacher

As human beings, we call the highest things we can look up to the "Divine", and we must imagine that our highest aim and calling have something to do with this Divine element
Rudolf Steiner

What’s Worth Fighting for Out There ?
In a world of growing complexity and rapid change, if educators are going to bring about significant improvements in teaching and learning within schools, they must forge strong, open, and interactive connections with communities beyond them. To do this, teachers and principles are urged to go wider by developing new relationships with parents, employers, universities, technology, and the broader profession. At the same time, educators must also go “Deeper” into the heart of their own practice by rediscovering the passion and moral purpose that making teaching and learning exciting and effective.
Andy Hargreaves What’s worth fighting for out there? Press 1998


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